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Thank You to Cornish College of the Arts

We received this lovely note of thanks after we spoke to the Design Professional Practices class at Cornish College of the Arts. It was our pleasure! A hearty thank you right back to Wendy Quesinberry and the students for having us!

Carbon Yeti Education Outreach Award from the EPA

We were reminded yesterday that our work with the City of Bellevue Utility Department on their campaign to reduce carbon emissions won an Education and Outreach award from the Environmental Protection Agency. We forgot to post about this a while back, but better late than never we always say.

Recycle / Foodcycle / Landfill Signage

We recently designed, wrote, and illustrated a series of signs for the City of Bellevue School recycling, composting and trash educational program. The 5 ft. sign and banner system is used in school cafeterias to educate and remind the student population on what goes where. And don’t forget our All-Seeing Eye character is watching you too.