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Charting Medicare Incentives and Penalties

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Working with our client ECG Management Consultants, Vivitiv has devised several information graphics charting the complicated world of Medicare Penalty and Incentive Rules. Here are a couple of these graphics created to assist Medicare providers in understanding a complex trove of data points which could impact their decision making in years to come.

Changing Tack Report from SustainAbility and GlobeScan

Vivitiv_SustainAbility_GlobeScan_Changing Tack Report Cover

Vivitiv just completed work on Changing Tack, Extending Corporate Leadership on Sustainable Development. This is the final report from The Regeneration Roadmap project, a global collaborative and multi-faceted initiative by GlobeScan and SustainAbility, which aims to provide a roadmap for achieving sustainable development within the next generation, focusing in particular on ways the private sector can improve sustainability strategy, increase credibility and deliver results at greater speed and scale.

A live webcast of the results of 18 months of research, interviews and a series of global salons was held this morning, and further information on the ongoing project, and the downloadable final report can be found at the The Regeneration Roadmap web site.

Pellentesque Eget Convallis

Images provided by Studio On Fire. Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu. Sed eu scelerisque dui. Sed eu arcu at nibh hendrerit viverra. Vivamus lacus augue, sodales id cursus in, condimentum at risus.

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu. Sed eu scelerisque dui. Sed eu arcu at nibh hendrerit viverra. Vivamus lacus augue, sodales id cursus in, condimentum at risus.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Heading 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu. Sed eu scelerisque dui. Sed eu arcu at nibh hendrerit viverra. Vivamus lacus augue, sodales id cursus in, condimentum at risus.

Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu.

Heading 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu. Sed eu scelerisque dui. Sed eu arcu at nibh hendrerit viverra. Vivamus lacus augue, sodales id cursus in, condimentum at risus.

Vivitiv Recycling Program

Vivitiv Recycle Graphic Design

We do a lot of work on the environmental front, recycling, water quality, storm water mitigation, reducing your carbon footprint…this week we are putting some of that into practice. We’ve been going through our sample closet and have been paring down our vast collection of printed samples, sketches, presentation boards, tear sheets and project files of all sorts, and we have filled up an entire recycling bin. We’re not even halfway finished with our sample purge. We have been lugging around work from the past 30 years, work for all sorts of clients and industries, from financial services firms to entertainment companies to public policy organizations. Some of our samples have outlived the enterprises themselves, if you wanted a brochure from E.F. Hutton, a film festival program or thumbnails of a World Trade Center poster you’re out of luck. We hope that all of this design work will recycled into something useful and informative. And we’ll keep on creating work both online and off, with an eye to sustainability and a little less hoarding.

Thank You to Cornish College of the Arts

We received this lovely note of thanks after we spoke to the Design Professional Practices class at Cornish College of the Arts. It was our pleasure! A hearty thank you right back to Wendy Quesinberry and the students for having us!

Carbon Yeti Education Outreach Award from the EPA

We were reminded yesterday that our work with the City of Bellevue Utility Department on their campaign to reduce carbon emissions won an Education and Outreach award from the Environmental Protection Agency. We forgot to post about this a while back, but better late than never we always say.

Old News Dept: A Two Newspaper Town

The Seattle Times has launched a controversial independent expenditure campaign promoting political causes drawing criticism from journalists and political scientists because it damages the credibility of the newspaper’s reporting and objectivity. Vivitiv saw this issue coming as far back as 2003 in our work with the Committee for a Two Newspaper Town, which at the time was working to keep The Seattle Post-Intelligencer alive. It worked for a while until the P-I ceased print publication and went to an all digital format in 2009. Here are a few of the ads we wrote and designed for the committee which spoke to the need for at least two newspapers in a community to keep each other honest and uphold their sacred trust to inform the public in an objective manner. Opinion and advocacy is fine…on the editorial page where it belongs.